Welcometo HDSO
Mission Statement: To develop, provide and maintain a positive soccer atmosphere for the Holt-Dimondale community. To provide instructional participation and competitive opportunities for all interested parties throughout the community. To keep the community aware of soccer, a sport of equal player opportunity.
Holt Junior Rams Soccer
HJR SOCCER 24/25 Season REGISTRATION is NOW CLOSED. Please contact HJR Soccer Club at hjrsoccer@gmail.com if you have an inquiry or still need to make payment for this season. A few limited spots are still available. If interested in joining, please email hjrsoccer@gmail.com.
Forms can now be filled out online at the CASL league website.
Please download and email the filled-out forms to your coaches, team manager, and Holt Junior Rams with the following subject line: "HJR UXX [Boys/Girls] - Paperwork for [PLAYER'S FULL NAME]." Please attach ALL NEEDED DOCUMENTS in ONE EMAIL. Once received, HJR will respond with a message they are being reviewed for accuracy.
Recreational Soccer & Training Opportunities |
Thanks for joining us at the HJR '24 Summer Soccer Clinic! SEE YOU NEXT YEAR! GO HOLT RAMS SOCCER!!
Delhi Parks & Recreation offers recreational soccer for Preschool - 4th Grade! If offered this year, registration for Fall 2024 begins in July, please visit the Delhi Parks and Recreation website, or call them 517-694-1549 with any questions.